We Spa


The Wi Spa in Koreatown could be a place of openness, respect and fluidity or it could be a fault line for fragmentation. Hint: If the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are showing up with the threat of violence and the police are backing them up with batons, then maybe nonbinary thinking and gender inclusive spaces are worth expanding and defending. Transgender people are sacred.

In this Washington Post article Zac Boyer says, "Women only spaces should be protected, but that doesn't mean all women have the same genitals". I agree.
Trangender woman reportedly undressed in a spa

This was in September. Assault charge filed in attack on filmmaker at Wi Spa protest

I see parallels with the Asian Spa Shootings in Atlanta. These are places where the violence of white supremacist patriarchy is raging under a cloak of invisibility.


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