Bongwonsa 산 번지 (Buddhist Temple)


I felt a little sheepish taking pictures of the temples, as a sacred place of worship.  However, they were beautiful and it was a serene experience. 

Siena recognized Guanyin immediately.  She said we had to bow 3 times.  Halmoni Miriam taught her well.  Lazlo was amazed by the oversized golden statues of Buddha, the alters and all the adornments within.  I was too.  Siena plopped herself right in front, kneeled and prayed. 

There was a fountain at the entrance. At the end of our visit, a lady took a ladle and watered some of the foliage behind the fountain, as well as washed the top of the statue of the fat, glorious Buddha with the happy children climbing on him.  Siena asked if she could do the same and I said "Yes".  She proceeded with a ceremony and said a prayer.  Then, she was mindful of washing her hands and let the prayer air dry.


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